Friday, January 22, 2010

Simply Grand Favorites

Looking back on the week. . . a few of my favorite things.

  • Our kind, generous, talented, gifted, neighbor stopped by to show her latest quilting creation.

Isn't it beautiful?! 

This was a gift to her daughter.

Her quilts are works of art.


  • A favorite picture taken during Little A's bath time:


  • Love this tea!


  • An insight from my Haven Today devotion this week:  Whoever has my will is my master.  I must surrender daily my will to Him and He will strengthen my resolve.
  • I've exercised more this week which feels great!
  • I've allowed myself a little sweet treat every now and then day.  These little squares are the perfect little bit of chocolate:


  • a favorite thing? No. But it was a first.  And a moment I will not forget.  You know when you're driving at night and you look in your rear view mirror and you see these blue and red lights flashing directly behind you????  I couldn't figure out what I had done wrong until I realized. . . I was driving without my lights on!  The policeman could not have been nicer and gave me a verbal warning.  Phew! 

We're ready for the weekend! 

Big game on Sunday. . . Go Vikings!

Happy Friday!


1 comment:

  1. Ohhhhhh, that quilt truly is a work of art! How absolutely beautiful!

    I had to smile about your driving experience. I've never been picked up - yet! - but I don't have enough fingers to count how many times I've made an evening grocery store run and found I didn't have my lights on when I was getting closer to home. Something about all those bright lights in the parking lots and along the streets, I guess.

    Tammy ~@~
