Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Welcome Isaiah!

A dear friend gave birth to her fourth child yesterday. I was able to stop by and see this precious little one just a few hours after he made his entrance. With her permission, I share photos of this new little miracle:


A Newborn Son

Let our little son become a man of God, and give us

the wisdom to show him the way.

May he have a hunger for You Lord, and Your Work.

Help him to experience the fulfillment

of knowledge and the rewards of hard work.

Let his days be filled with laughter and play, and give him

the protection of good Christian companions.

Instill in him the ingredients for healthy self-esteem

so that he has the confidence to reach for

his dreams and to reach out to others in need.

We dedicate this little one to You and ask You to give him

all the richness of a life in Christ.

Rolfina Birger

from "Prayers From A Mother's Heart" by Ruth Bell Graham

Bless this mouth.

May it learn to speak words

that are helpful, encouraging, and right.

May these butterfly lips kiss away injury,

savor the wholesome,

and declare their Maker's praise.

excerpt from "Bless This Child" by Gloria Gaither


  1. Beautiful pictures and prayer Heather :)

  2. I loved it all. What a miracle is the birth of a baby.

  3. I love those precious faces being so intent on what they were doing. I really think that the only way to focus on celebrating the gift that God has given us is to "keep it simple".

  4. What beautiful photos of a precious new little one. Each one is an absolute miracle!
