Tuesday, October 13, 2009

and the question is . . .

How long can I NOT eat before I die?,” Mr. H asked this afternoon.

He struggled all day with the fact that his tooth was soooo loose that he supposedly was unable to eat.

No breakfast,

chicken broth for lunch,

no dinner and

no apple crisp for dessert.

I quietly wondered how long this would last.

“Just pull it out!”

We all tried to persuade him but to no avail.


Several brothers offered their tooth pulling services but

were declined rather quickly.

He decided to wait until Daddy came home.

Then at 7:00pm,

with 13 pairs of eyes staring him down,

dental floss in daddy’s hands. . .


1, 2, 3. . .it was OUT!!


Dinner and dessert soon followed.

Meanwhile, through all the hoopla. . .

Lucy the cat yawned and dozed in her favorite spot. . .

the napkin basket in the center of the table.

The life of a cat, huh?


Now it’s my turn to doze. . .

Happy Tuesday night,




  1. I love the cat factor to this story. They always choose the most interesting spots. This morning our cat (for now) Tozer, just plopped himself down on my I John Commentary...while I was reading it. @@@ Cats!

  2. I love the look on Mr. H's face when the tooth comes out! Priceless. . way to catch the shot!
