Wednesday, February 10, 2010


As with many people, I'm inspired to begin positive lifestyle habits come the new year.

It is now February 10 and I've been doing fairly well on the whole eating healthier and exercising regularly routine.  My goal is to lose 30 pounds.  I haven't stepped on the scale because. . . if I don't see a number which is less than the number I saw the last time. . . it's just a depressing way to start the day, you know?!!  But this morning I was brave.  I physically prepared. . .bathrobe is off, hair is dry, bladder is empty. . .I think I'm ready.


I gained two whole pounds!!


Then I ponder where I might have been making wrong choices. 

There were recent temptations such as these. . .


But I had done well avoiding those beautiful sweet things.

Then I remembered the sale on cereal and our recent pantry abundance of Corn Fakes and Cheerios.

These are major weaknesses of mine and one which I have indulged in too much.  Somehow I seem to rationalize that cereal doesn't contain THAT many calories. 

Seriously, I think there are valid reasons for the low carb diet, especially at my 40-something age.

So my plan is to begin cutting back on the carbs, as hard as it is for me.

I know that the exercising is healthy for my body, mind & spirit and I want to keep that up.

It's hard to not be discouraged.


We've been studying Abraham Lincoln.

Did you know this?


Failed in business in 1831

Defeated for legislature in 1832

Second failure in business in  1833

Suffered a nervous breakdown in 1836

Defeated for Speaker in 1838

Defeated for Elector in 1840

Defeated for Congress in 1843

Defeated for Congress in 1848

Defeated for Senate in 1855

Defeated for Vice President in 1856

Defeated for Senate in 1858

Elected President in 1860

So no positive results today for me but tomorrow is another day.

And even though I'd like to grab an evening snack of Corn Flakes, I'll head to bed and say AMEN to this prayer by Augustine. . .

Let my soul take refuge. . . beneath the shadow of Your wings; let my heart, this sea of restless waves, find peace in You, O God. 

May you find peace, resting in Him this day.



  1. : )
    I am up to my old tricks too! I ate a huge bowl of popcorn last night! I can feel that stuff collecting on my muffin tops even now. I was doing so well, but it sure is easy to fall back into old habits.
    Like you said, today is a new start.
    I hope you do have a great day!

  2. And may I add that the pretty pink cake that looks too pretty to eat actually tasted so blissfully delicious that I thought I was in HEAVEN! LOL!

    But, hey, I'm suddenly determined to move out of my slug state of mind that has engulfed me the last few months being void of exercise and healthy eating! Yes, indeed, I'm ready to think spring and in the process am putting the spring back into my step with getting back on the right track!

    You and me, Heather! Let's do it! And this sunny day is the perfect incentive!

    Tammy ~@~
