Saturday, April 3, 2010

Fire Drill!


Homeschooling, as with everything in life, has its pros and cons.

This homeschool lifestyle is working well for our family in many ways.

One sacrifice which I weekly must come to peace with is that the house is simply not going to be the picture of neat and clean.  And the entire house is never clutter-free and clean all at the same time. 

That's just the way it is.

Also, I need everyone's help to keep the home in order.

So this morning before everyone left for their activities I had the family gather for a fire drill.

Fire drill?  It's when we set the timer for 20 minutes, or even 10 minutes, and I give everyone a simple chore.  Yes, daddy and I help too and we check that the kids chores were done correctly.

The saying is so true. . . Many hands make light work.

In 20 minutes many chores were completed:  vacuuming, clothes folded, mud room picked up, garbage out, floors mopped, bedrooms picked up. 

It was a great way to start the day.

How about a fire drill at your home today?

Ready. . .Set. . . GO!!

Happy Saturday,


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