Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!



Over the river and through the woods to the cabin today we go.

Once the family picture is taken we’re all happy to be warm inside, out of the blowing cold snow.


Aunt Julie’s all set, with her master list in hand.

While helpers file in for the kitchen fun,

each are given their own part to play. . .

and make for a fine Thanksgiving feast band.


The food cannot be finer,

to feed this sixteen crew.

All leave the table well satisfied;

And thankful for bountiful blessings too.


Onward we go as presents are awaiting,

We celebrate Christmas now too!

Draw your number from the hat,

now wait your turn. . .

Go snatch someone’s gift or open one that’s new!


Time to settle in for a movie or a game,

win or lose it’s fun just the same.


Reflecting on a Happy Thanksgiving. . . 

Now may my heart and mind offer a sacrifice of praise to Him continually, no matter what challenges I face. . .

An attitude of gratitude to set my daily pace.

Happy Thursday, Happy Thanksgiving 2010!


1 comment:

  1. Looks like you had a grand time. Those food pictures made me hungry.
